Britanci so se odločili, da ne bodo ostali. Toda kam dejansko gre Velika Britanija? In kako ji lahko potovanje na svoje olajša ali oteži EU? Kaj če ima prav profesor James D. Morow z Univerze Michigan? “Ne pravim, da je to najboljša stvar, ki se je zgodila EU, ampak da bi lahko bila najboljša stvar. Odvisno od tega, kako se bodo odzvali evropski voditelji.”

"Razjasnil se je samo izid refernduma, ostalo pa ne. Definicije brexita nismo nikoli, niti danes, poznali." - dr. Jure Vidmar

Britanci so se odločili, da ne bodo ostali. Toda kam dejansko gre Velika Britanija? In kako ji lahko potovanje na svoje olajša ali oteži EU?

Kaj če ima prav profesor James D. Morow z Univerze Michigan: “Ne pravim, da je to najboljša stvar, ki se je zgodila EU, ampak da bi lahko bila najboljša stvar. Odvisno od tega, kako se bodo odzvali evropski voditelji.

“Zmeda in negotovost sta besedi, ki trenutno najbolje opišeta ozračje.” – Tamara Juričič, London

Britance pa je zelo ogorčeno po referndumu nagovoril najbolj znan angleški kuhar Jamie Oliver

A thought for Great Britain….. For the last two years, I have been filming all over the world in places where people live the longest, healthiest, happiest and most productive lives studying there food and culture. And now I finish my journey on the beautiful island of Sardinia, where at the end of the day’s filming, as the sun set – I looked back and saw the European flag. For me.. symbolic and very sad. But in life you don’t always get what you want. So guys, whether you voted In or Out, we are where we are. But at some point soon we all need to come back together and make the best of what will be a very bumpy 5 years. This referendum has fractured Europe, divided families and split the country. The divorce of our European marriage will be very costly and provoke a bitterness towards us as a trusted country in the world…However I do believe in democracy and Britain has spoken. In my own way I will now roll up my sleeves and work harder than ever to make this work. But I BEG YOU ONE THING GREAT BRITAIN ???? Give me Boris Johnson as our Prime Minister and I’m done. I’m out. My faith in us will be broken forever. So speak up people – let’s stop being spectators! We can not let this happen- share the hell out of this !! #BuggerOffBoris  Trust and building relationships with other country’s is the only currency that really works. (Tune — #TemperTrap)

A video posted by Jamie Oliver (@jamieoliver) on

Anja Hlača Ferjančič, Gašper Andrinek