Na obratu kalifornijski hiphop naveze producenta Real Bad Mana in raperja Lukaha, sedativna muzika valižanske harfistke Amande Whiting in frafra soul ganske vokalistke Florence Adooni. Poleg tega še jazzovske novitete saksofonistk Cassie Kinoshi in Muriel Grossman in trobentača Mathewa Halsalla.
01 Piscean Group - Finger It Out
02 Bruk Rogers, Onj, Roberta Silva - Deusa
03 Florence Adooni - Uh-Ah Song
04 Blu and Shafiq Husayn - The Joy
05 Real Bad Man x Lukah - The Shamans
06 Real Bad Man x Lukah feat. Talibah Safiya - The Burial
07 Cassie Kinoshi's SEED - ii
08 Muriel Grossmann - Calm
09 Matthew Halsall - Newborough Forest
10 Amanda Whiting - No Turning Back
11 Amanda Whiting - Interwined